Dynamic Entertainment Trio: DJ, Sax, and Bongos for Your Event

Organising an event can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to entertainment. While a DJ might be a good start, sometimes more is needed to create the kind of electric atmosphere that you're looking for. Our DJ Live combination of DJ, sax, and bongo comes in here.

The SuperSonics DJ LIVE has been providing unforgettable entertainment for years and is sought after for their energy and ability to create a vibrant atmosphere.

Our DJ Live package includes a skilled DJ, a talented saxophonist, and a percussionist who plays the bongo drums. With this combination of musical talent, we can take your event to the next level.

Our DJ Live package is designed to suit all types of events, from experiential to parties and corporate events. We collaborate with you to curate a unique playlist that caters to your specific event needs. Our team of professionals ensures the music is perfectly tailored to your audience, with a mix of classic hits and modern tracks that will keep everyone dancing all night long.

We use state-of-the-art equipment to create a seamless performance that will leave your guests talking for weeks.

Our team is experienced in creating the perfect sound and lighting setup for any event, ensuring the right atmosphere. We'll work with you to create the perfect ambience, whether you're looking for a relaxed atmosphere or a high-energy dance party.

Our musicians are not just talented, they are also consummate professionals. They will arrive at your event dressed appropriately and will engage with your guests in a friendly and respectful manner, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere for everyone.

Need to hire a DJ for your event?

Get in touch today to discuss your DJ needs and how we can help make your event a very special one!

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With our DJ Live package, you can be sure your event will be unforgettable and your guests will have a great time.

If you're seeking to elevate your event to an unparalleled level of excitement, our DJ Live combination of DJ, sax, and bongo is the perfect choice. This distinctive package promises a one-of-a-kind entertainment experience that will leave your guests buzzing with excitement for weeks to come.

Do you have a Bar Mitzvah coming up and require a DJ LIVE experience to make your music exceptional?

Then get in touch NOW!

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